Naegele's obliquity
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Naegele's obliquity — see asynclitism … The new mediacal dictionary
Асинклитизм Негеле (Naegele'S Obliquity) — см. Асинклитизм. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
asynclitism — Absence of synclitism or parallelism; may be used, e.g., to refer to the axis of the presenting part of the child and the pelvic planes in childbirth, to the dental arches, or to the planes of the skull. SYN: obliquity. [G. a priv. + syn klino,… … Medical dictionary
asynclitism — n. tilting of the fetal skull towards one or other shoulder causing the top of the skull to be either nearer to the sacrum (anterior asynclitism or Naegele s obliquity) or nearer to the pubis (posterior asynclitism or Litzmann s obliquity). These … The new mediacal dictionary