ventral horn — noun one of two the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and that consists of motor fibers • Syn: ↑ventral root, ↑anterior root, ↑anterior horn • Hypernyms: ↑motor nerve, ↑efferent nerve, ↑efferent … Useful english dictionary
ventral horn of spinal cord — cornu anterius medullae spinalis … Medical dictionary
ventral column — n VENTRAL HORN … Medical dictionary
ventral gray column — n VENTRAL HORN … Medical dictionary
ventral root — noun one of two the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and that consists of motor fibers • Syn: ↑ventral horn, ↑anterior root, ↑anterior horn • Hypernyms: ↑motor nerve, ↑efferent nerve, ↑efferent … Useful english dictionary
horn — Any structure resembling a h. in shape. SYN: cornu (1). [A.S.] Ammon h. [TA] one of the two interlocking gyri composing the hippocampus, the other being the dentate gyrus. Based on cytoarchitectural features, Ammon h. can be divided into … Medical dictionary
Ventral spinocerebellar tract — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = tractus spinocerebellaris anterior, tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis GraySubject = 185 GrayPage = 761 Caption = Ventral spinocerebellar tract is 4b, in blue at right. Caption2 = Diagram of the principal… … Wikipedia
horn — n. (in anatomy) a process, outgrowth, or extension of an organ or other structure. It is often paired. In the spinal cord crescent shaped areas of grey matter (seen in cross section) are known as the dorsal and ventral horns … The new mediacal dictionary
Anterior horn (spinal cord) — Infobox Anatomy Name = Anterior horn (spinal cord) Latin = cornu anterius medullae spinalis GraySubject = 185 GrayPage = 753 Caption = Caption2 = Width = 400 System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = c 55 DorlandsSuf = 12259735… … Wikipedia
Spinal cord horn — Three spinal cord horns are visible in cross sectional views of the spinal cord: dorsal horn, ventral horn, and the lateral horn (or intermediolateral horn). Each is composed of gray matter, meaning that the horns comprise mostly neuronal and… … Wikipedia