Sesame oil — (also known as gingelly oil or til oil ) is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking oil in South India, it is often used as a flavor enhancer in Taiwanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian cuisine.… … Wikipedia
sesame oil — noun oil obtained from sesame seeds • Hypernyms: ↑vegetable oil, ↑oil • Substance Holonyms: ↑sesame seed, ↑benniseed * * * noun 1. : a pale yellow bland semidrying fatty oil obtained from sesame seeds and used chiefly as an edible oil (as in … Useful english dictionary
sesame oil — benni enni n. an East Indian annual erect herb ({Sesamum indicum}); the source of {sesame seed} or {benniseed} and {sesame oil}. Same as {benne} Syn: sesame, benne, benny. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesame oil — Benne Ben ne, n. [Malay bijen.] (Bot.) The name of two plants ({Sesamum orientale} and {Sesamum indicum}), originally Asiatic; also called {oil plant}. From their seeds an oil is expressed, called {benne oil} or {sesame oil}, used mostly for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesame oil — sezamų aliejus statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Aliejus, išgaunamas iš sezamų (Sesamum) sėklų. atitikmenys: angl. sesame oil rus. кунжутное масло; сезамовое масло … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sesame oil — noun Date: 1870 a pale yellow bland semidrying fatty oil obtained from sesame seeds and used chiefly as an edible oil, as a vehicle for various pharmaceuticals, and in cosmetics and soaps … New Collegiate Dictionary
sesame oil — ses′ame oil n. cvb a yellow oil expressed from the seeds of the sesame, used in cooking, as a vehicle for medicines, and in the manufacture of margarine, soap, and cosmetics • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
sesame oil — a yellow oil expressed from the seeds of the sesame, used in cooking, as a vehicle for medicines, and in the manufacture of margarine, soap, and cosmetics. [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
sesame oil — noun Oil extracted from sesame seeds (often after roasting) and used to flavor foods … Wiktionary
sesame oil — /ˈsɛsəmi ɔɪl/ (say sesuhmee oyl) noun the oil extracted from sesame seeds, used in cooking …