- saliva ejector
- saliva ejector n a narrow tubular device providing suction to draw saliva, blood, and debris from the mouth of a dental patient in order to maintain a clear operative field
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
ejector — A device used for forcibly expelling (ejecting) a substance. saliva e. a hollow, perforated suction tube used in the evacuation of saliva or liquid debris from the oral … Medical dictionary
pump — 1. An apparatus for forcing a gas or liquid from or to any part. 2. Any mechanism for using metabolic energy to accomplish active transport of a substance. breast p. a suction instrument for withdra … Medical dictionary
слюноотсос — Устройство для отсасывания слюны из полости рта пациента [ГОСТ 26322 84] Тематики оборудование стоматологическое EN saliva ejector DE Speichelabsauger FR pompe à salive … Справочник технического переводчика
Dingo — For other uses, see Dingo (disambiguation). Dingo Australian dingo Conservation status … Wikipedia
eject — [ē jekt′, ijekt] vt. [< L ejectus, pp. of ejicere, to throw out < e , out (see EX 1) + jacere, to throw (see JET1)] 1. to throw out; cast out; expel; emit; discharge [the chimney ejects smoke] 2. to drive out; evict [to eject a heckler] … English World dictionary