protamine zinc insulin
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protamine zinc insulin — noun : a combination of protamine, zinc, and insulin used in suspension in water for subcutaneous injection in place of insulin because of its prolonged effect … Useful english dictionary
protamine zinc insulin suspension — a long acting insulin with time of onset about 7 hours after injection and duration of action of 36 hours, consisting of bovine or porcine insulin reacted with zinc chloride and protamine to form a protein complex from which insulin is slowly… … Medical dictionary
globin zinc insulin — noun : a preparation for treating diabetes mellitus that contains insulin modified by the addition of zinc chloride and globin obtained from beef blood and is intermediate in duration of action between regular insulin and protamine zinc insulin … Useful english dictionary
protamine — n. one of a group of simple proteins that can be conjugated with nucleic acids to form nucleoproteins. Protamine sulphate (Prosulf) is injected as an antidote to heparin overdosage in oral anticoagulant therapy. Protamine can also be combined… … The new mediacal dictionary
protamine — Any of a class of proteins, highly basic because rich in l arginine and simpler in constitution than the albumins and globulins, etc., found in fish spermatozoa in combination with nucleic acid; the protamines have a histonelike function and are… … Medical dictionary
Insulin aspart — Clinical data AHFS/ … Wikipedia
insulin — A polypeptide hormone, secreted by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans, that promotes glucose utilization, protein synthesis, and the formation and storage of neutral lipids; available in a variety of preparations including genetically… … Medical dictionary
Insulin analog — An insulin analog is an altered form of insulin, different from any occurring in nature, but still available to the human body for performing the same action as human insulin in terms of glycemic control. Through genetic engineering of the… … Wikipedia
long-acting insulin — an insulin preparation whose onset of action is more than 3 hours after injection and peak of action is between 10 and 30 hours after injection. Examples include extended insulin zinc suspension and protamine zinc insulin suspension … Medical dictionary
Протамин (Protamine) — представитель группы простых белков, которые могут соединяться с нуклеиновыми кислотами с образованием нуклеопротеинов. Протамин используется при создании инсулина продленного действия (комплекс протамина с инсулином и цинком) протаминцинкинсулин … Медицинские термины