premortem — pre·mortem … English syllables
premortem — (ˈ)prē|mȯrtəm adjective Etymology: Latin prae mortem before death : premortal 2 … Useful english dictionary
John F. Kennedy autopsy — The autopsy of President John F. Kennedy was performed, beginning at about 8 p.m. and ending at about midnight EST, on Nov. 22, 1963, the day of his assassination, at the then Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The choice of autopsy… … Wikipedia
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy — For other uses see Sphinx (disambiguation) and or The Mummy Infobox VG title= Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy caption= developer= Eurocom publisher= THQ designer= engine= version= released= vgrelease|NA=2003 11 10|PAL=2004 02 20 genre= Action… … Wikipedia
Balo concentric sclerosis — Classification and external resources Typical aspects of Baló s concentric sclerosis. (a) Original case of Baló; several anastomoses are located in the lower half of the lesion. (b) Lesion centered by a veinule showing ring fragmentation in a… … Wikipedia
signos de Guedel — Sistema para describir los estadios y planos de la anestesia durante una intervención quirúrgica. El estadio I (amnesia y analgesia) comienza con la administración de un anestésico y continúa hasta la pérdida de consciencia. El estadio II… … Diccionario médico
premortal — pre·mor·tal mȯrt əl adj PREMORTEM * * * pre·mor·tal (pre morґtəl) occurring just before death … Medical dictionary
premortal — (ˈ)prē+ adjective Etymology: pre + mortal 1. : existing prior to the presumed assumption of mortality by man 2. [premortem + al] : existing or taking place immediately before death premortal injuries * * * adj.; premortally, adv. * * * premortal… … Useful english dictionary