
A group of bacteria that includes Vibrio cholerae, the agent of cholera, (a devastating and sometimes lethal disease with profuse watery diarrhea) and Vibrio comma (which is shaped like a comma). Vibrio move about actively . The word “vibrio” in Latin means “to quiver.”
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A genus of motile (occasionally nonmotile), nonsporeforming, aerobic to facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative bacteria (family Spirillaceae) containing short (0.5–3.0 μm), curved or straight rods which occur singly or which are occasionally united into S-shapes or spirals. Motile cells contain a single polar flagellum; in some species, two or more flagella occur in one polar tuft. Some of these organisms are saprophytes in salt and fresh water and in soil; others are parasites or pathogens. The type species is V. cholerae. [L. vibro, to vibrate]
- V. alginolyticus a bacterial species associated with wound and ear infections, and with bacteremia in immunocompromised and in burn patients.
- V. cholerae a bacterial species that produces a soluble exotoxin and is the cause of cholera in humans; it is the type species of the genus V.. SYN: cholera bacillus, comma bacillus.
- V. fetus former name for Campylobacter fetus.
- V. fluvialis a bacterial species similar to strains of Aeromonas, associated with diarrheal disease in humans.
- V. furnissii an aerogenic strain of bacteria, similar to V. fluvialis, associated with diarrheal disease and outbreaks of gastroenteritis.
- V. hollisae a bacterial species that can cause dysentery in humans.
- V. metschnikovii a bacterial species causing acute enteric disease in chickens and other avian species; also isolated from human stool.
- V. mimicus a sucrose-negative bacterial strain, similar to V. cholerae, isolated from human stool in diarrheal disease and from human ear infections.
- V. parahaemolyticus a marine bacterial species that causes gastroenteritis and bloody diarrhea, usually from eating contaminated shellfish.
- V. sputorum former name for Campylobacter sputorum.
- V. vulnificus a species capable of causing gastroenteritis and cutaneous lesions that may result in fatal septicemia, especially in a cirrhotic or immunocompromised patient; usually contracted from contaminated oysters; also a cause of wound infections, especially those associated with handling of shellfish.

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vib·rio 'vib-rē-ō n
1) cap a genus of short rigid motile bacteria of the family Vibrionaceae that are straight or curved rods, have one or sometimes two or three polar flagella enclosed in a sheath, and include various saprophytes and a few pathogens (as V. cholerae, the cause of cholera in humans)
2) any bacterium of the genus Vibrio broadly a curved rod-shaped bacterium

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a genus of Gram-negative motile comma-shaped bacteria widely distributed in soil and water. Most species are saprophytic but some are parasites, including V. cholerae, which causes cholera.

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Vib·rio (vibґre-o) [L. vibrare to move rapidly, vibrate] a genus of mainly aquatic, gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria of the family Vibrionaceae, consisting of straight, curved, or comma-shaped rods that are motile by means of one or more polar flagella. Some species (the cholera vibrios) cause cholera; others (the noncholera vibrios) cause milder forms of diarrhea in humans; and others infect only animals other than humans. The type species is V. choґlerae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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