pelvic colon
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pelvic colon — noun : the sigmoid flexure of the colon … Useful english dictionary
Pelvic floor — Left Levator ani from within. Coronal section through the male … Wikipedia
Pelvic pain — Pelvic and perineal pain Micrograph showing endometriosis (H E stain), a common cause of chronic pelvic pain in women. ICD 10 R10..2 … Wikipedia
pelvic splanchnic nerve — n any of the groups of parasympathetic fibers that originate with cells in the second, third, and fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord, pass through the inferior portion of the hypogastric plexus, and supply the descending colon, rectum,… … Medical dictionary
Colon — The part of the large intestine that runs from the cecum to the rectum as a long hollow tube that serves to remove water from digested food and let the remaining material, solid waste called stool, move through it to the rectum and leave the body … Medical dictionary
Pelvic splanchnic nerves — Nerve: Pelvic splanchnic nerves Latin nervi pelvici splanchnici nervi erigentes From S2 S4 Pelvic splanchnic nerves or nervi erigentes are splanchnic nerves that arise from sacral spinal nerves S2, S3, S4 to provide parasympathetic innervation to … Wikipedia
colon descendens — [TA] descending colon the portion of the colon between the left colic flexure and the sigmoid colon at the pelvic brim; the part of it that lies in the left part of the iliac fossa is sometimes called the iliac colon … Medical dictionary
pelvic exenteration — Surgery to remove the lower colon, rectum, and bladder, and create stomata (openings) through which urine and stool are passed out of the body. In women, the cervix, vagina, ovaries, and nearby lymph nodes are also removed … English dictionary of cancer terms
Sigmoid colon — Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for liver, stomach, and great intestine. Latin colon sigmoideum Gray s … Wikipedia
sigmoid colon — n the contracted and crooked part of the colon immediately above the rectum called also pelvic colon, sigmoid flexure * * * the S shaped terminal part of the descending colon, which leads to the rectum. * * * colon sigmoideum [TA] the S shaped… … Medical dictionary