
pas·tille pas-'tē(ə)l also pas·til 'pas-təl n LOZENGE

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a medicinal preparation containing gelatine and glycerine, usually coated with sugar, that is dissolved in the mouth so that the medication is applied to the mouth or throat.

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pas·tille (pas-tēlґ) [Fr.] 1. a troche in which the active ingredient is incorporated in a mass of sweetened gum, glycerin, and gelatin base. 2. an aromatic mass to be burnt as a fumigant.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pastille — [ pastij ] n. f. • 1539; esp. pastilla; lat. pastillum « petit pain » 1 ♦ Vx Pâte odorante que l on brûle pour parfumer l air. Pastilles d encens, de benjoin. 2 ♦ (1690) Cour. Petit morceau d une pâte pharmaceutique ou d une préparation de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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