leukocyte — [lo͞o′kō sīt΄, lo͞o′kəsīt΄] n. [see LEUCO & CYTE] any of the small, colorless nucleated cells in the blood, lymph, and tissues, which are important in the body s defenses against infection, including granular types such as neutrophils,… … English World dictionary
leukocyte — A type of cell formed in the myelopoietic, lymphoid, and reticular portions of the reticuloendothelial system in various parts of the body, and normally present in those sites and in the circulating blood (rarely in other tissues). Under various… … Medical dictionary
Granular leukocyte — A type of white blood cell filled with microscopic granules (tiny sacs) containing enzymes that digest microorganisms. Granular leukocytes they are better known as granulocytes are part of the innate immune system and have somewhat non specific,… … Medical dictionary
mononuclear leukocyte — n NONGRANULAR LEUKOCYTE used esp. in the clinical literature … Medical dictionary
agranular leukocyte — nongranular l … Medical dictionary
agranulocyte — A nongranular leukocyte. [G. a priv. + L. granulum, granule, + G. kytos, cell] * * * agran·u·lo·cyte ( )ā gran yə lō .sīt n a white blood cell without cytoplasmic granules compare GRANULOCYTE * * * agran·u·lo·cyte (a granґu lo sīt″)… … Medical dictionary
immune system — Anat. a diffuse, complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris: the system… … Universalium
lymphocyte — lymphocytic /lim feuh sit ik/, adj. /lim feuh suyt /, n. Anat. a type of white blood cell having a large, spherical nucleus surrounded by a thin layer of nongranular cytoplasm. Cf. B cell, T cell. [1885 90; LYMPHO + CYTE] * * * Type of leukocyte… … Universalium
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary
lymphocyte — [lim′fō sīt΄] n. [ LYMPHO + CYTE] a nongranular variety of leukocyte formed in lymphatic tissue, important in the synthesis of antibodies: see B CELL lymphocytic [lim′fōsit′ik] adj … English World dictionary