male climacteric

male climacteric
male climacteric n andropause

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • climacteric — 1. The period of endocrinal, somatic, and transitory psychologic changes occurring in the transition to menopause. 2. A critical period of life. SYN: climacterium. [G. klimakter, the rung of a ladder] * * * cli·mac·ter·ic klī mak t(ə )rik, .klī… …   Medical dictionary

  • climacteric — I. adjective Etymology: Latin climactericus, from Greek klimaktērikos, from klimaktēr critical point, literally, rung of a ladder, from klimak , klimax ladder Date: 1582 1. constituting or relating to a climacteric 2. critical, crucial II. noun D …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • male menopause — noun : climacteric in the male …   Useful english dictionary

  • male menopause — noun Date: 1949 climacteric 2b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Климакс (Climacteric) — 1. См. Менопауза. 2. (Мужской климакс (male climacteric)): ослабление полового влечения и способности к зачатию детей, развивающееся в пожилом возрасте. Источник: Медицинский словарь …   Медицинские термины

  • КЛИМАКС — (climacteric) 1. См. Менопауза. 2. (Мужской климакс (male climacteric)): ослабление полового влечения и способности к зачатию детей, развивающееся в пожилом возрасте …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • Andropause — or male menopause[1], sometimes colloquially called man opause is a name that has been given to a menopause like condition in aging men. This relates to the slow but steady reduction of the production of the hormones testosterone and… …   Wikipedia

  • David O. Cauldwell — David Oliver Cauldwell (17 June 1897 ndash; 30 August 1959) was a prolific and pioneering sexologist, who has been claimed to have coined the term “transsexual” [anonymous. [ “Editorial”,] The International… …   Wikipedia

  • David Oliver Cauldwell — (June 17, 1897 – August 30, 1959) was a prolific and pioneering sexologist, who has been claimed to have coined the term “transsexual”[1][2] (though there is a prior claim for Hirschfeld[3]), and many of whose monographs on sex, psychology, or… …   Wikipedia

  • human aging — ▪ physiology and sociology Introduction       physiological changes that take place in the human body leading to senescence, the decline of biological functions and of the ability to adapt to metabolic stress. In humans the physiological… …   Universalium

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