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macroptic hallucination — The term macroptic hallucination is indebted to the Greek words makros (large) and opsis (seeing). It refers to a visual hallucination in which the object or scene in question is perceived as disproportionally large in comparison with the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
macroptic — mac·rop·tic … English syllables
macroptic — (ˈ)ma|kräptik adjective Etymology: macr + optic : affected with macropsia … Useful english dictionary
macroptic vision — see macropsia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
macropsia — Also known as macropsy, macroptic vision, megalopsia, and megalopia. The term macropsia comes from the Greek words makros (large) and opsis (seeing). It refers to a visual distortion in which objects and stimuli are perceived as… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
gulliverian hallucination — Also known as brobdingnagian hallucination. Both terms denote a *macroptic hallucination depicting one or more disproportionally large human figures, either in isolation or embedded in an environment of regular proportions. The gulliverian… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
microptic hallucination — Also known as microscopic hallucination and diminutive visual hallucination. The term microptic hallucination is indebted to the Greek words mikros (small) and opsis (seeing). It refers to a type of *visual hallucination in which the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
morphopsia — The term morphopsia comes from the Greek words morphè (form) and opsis (seeing). It is used in a restricted sense to denote a multicoloured *complex visual hallucination with *microptic or * macroptic aspects. Pathophysiologically, this type… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
visual hallucination — Also referred to as vision. Both terms are indebted to the Latin noun visio, which means sight. They are used to denote a hallucination of sight. Historically, visual hallucinations have been divided into a multitude of types. Using their… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
zoom vision — A term used to denote a * visual illusion caused by a gradual change from regular visual perception to either macroptic or microptic vision. Macrop tic vision, or * macropsia, is a visual illusion characterized by a * magnification of objects… … Dictionary of Hallucinations