- lateral sinus
- lateral sinus n TRANSVERSE SINUS
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s. transversus durae matris.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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s. transversus durae matris.Medical dictionary. 2011.
lateral sinus — noun : transverse sinus … Useful english dictionary
latéral — latéral, ale, aux [ lateral, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1315, rare jusqu au XVIIe; lat. lateralis, de latus « côté » ♦ Qui appartient au côté, qui est situé sur le côté de qqch. La partie latérale du corps. ⇒ flanc. Dans une rue latérale. Chapelle, nef… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sinus pétreux supérieur et inférieur — ● Sinus pétreux supérieur et inférieur chacun des deux sinus crâniens issus des sinus caverneux et aboutissant, le premier, dans le sinus latéral, le second dans la jugulaire interne … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lateral process of the zygomatic bone — Left zygomatic bone. Malar surface. Left zygomatic bone in s … Wikipedia
Sinus-lift procedure — A sinus lift procedure is a surgical procedure, performed by an appropriately trained dentist or dental specialist, to augment bone mass in the top jaw (maxilla), which increases the likelihood of successful placement of dental implants. Bone… … Wikipedia
sinus — 1. [TA] A channel for the passage of blood or lymph, without the coats of an ordinary vessel; e.g., blood passages in the gravid uterus or those in the cerebral meninges. 2. [TA] A cavity or … Medical dictionary
Sinus ostium — A sinus ostium (plural: sinus ostia) is the opening that connects a sinus to the nasal cavity itself. It is a tight area that tends to have a higher percentage of cilia than the surrounding mucosa. If the sinus ostium is blocked this will cause… … Wikipedia
Lateral parts of occipital bone — Infobox Bone Name = Lateral parts of occipital bone Latin = pars lateralis GraySubject = 31 GrayPage = 131 Caption = Occipital bone at birth. Caption2 = Occipital bone, inner surface. System = MeshName = MeshNumber = The lateral parts of the… … Wikipedia
sinus cavernosus — [TA] cavernous sinus either of two sinuses of the dura mater, irregularly shaped and located at either side of the body of the sphenoid bone, extending from the medial end of the superior orbital fissure in front to the apex of the petrous… … Medical dictionary
sinus sagittalis superior — [TA] superior sagittal sinus: one of the sinuses of the dura mater; it begins in front of the crista galli and extends backward in the convex border of the falx cerebri. Near the internal occipital protuberance it ends in a variable way in the… … Medical dictionary