
To go from RNA to protein, translation is needed. Translation is the process by which the genetic code carried by messenger RNA (mRNA) directs the production of proteins from amino acids.
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1. A change or conversion into another form. 2. The rather complex process by which messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomes effect the production of protein from amino acid s, the specificity of synthesis being controlled by the base sequences of the messenger RNA. 3. In dentistry, the movement of a tooth through alveolar bone without change in axial inclination. [L. translatio, a transferring, fr. transfero pp. -latus, to carry across]
- nick t. a technique in which a bacterial DNA polymerase is used to degrade a single strand of DNA that has been nicked and then to resynthesize that strand, often with labeled nucleoside triphosphates.

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trans·la·tion tran(t)s-'-shən, tranz- n the process of forming a protein molecule at a ribosomal site of protein synthesis from information contained in messenger RNA compare TRANSCRIPTION
trans·la·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adj

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(in cell biology) the manufacture of proteins in a cell, which takes place at the ribosomes. The information for determining the correct sequence of amino acids in the protein is carried to the ribosomes by messenger RNA, and the amino acids are brought to their correct position in the protein by transfer RNA.

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trans·la·tion (trans-laґshən) [L. translatio transfer] 1. conversion or transformation. 2. in genetics, the process by which the series of codons (triplet bases) in a messenger RNA (mRNA) is converted to the ordered sequence of amino acids that constitutes a specific polypeptide chain; it involves also ribosomes, transfer RNA (tRNA), and numerous soluble proteins.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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