
Pain due to inflammation of the bursa associated with the Achilles tendon. . The Achilles tendon is one of the better known anatomic features in sports medicine due to the abrupt dramatic nature of some injuries to this tendon. It is in the back of the lower leg and connects the calf muscle (the triceps surae) with the calcaneus bone in the heel. This tendon is so named for the hero whose heel, according to Greek mythology, was the only part of his body where he could be hurt. Inflammation in the Achilles tendon and bursa is collectively known as achillodynia.
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Inflammation of a bursa in proximity to the tendo calcaneus. SYN: retrocalcaneobursitis.

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achil·lo·bur·si·tis (ə-kil″o-bər-siґtis) retrocalcaneal bursitis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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