- isopropyl
- iso·pro·pyl .ī-sə-'prō-pəl n the alkyl group isomeric with normal propyl
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iso·pro·pyl (i″so-proґpəl) the univalent radical, (CH3)2CH.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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iso·pro·pyl (i″so-proґpəl) the univalent radical, (CH3)2CH.Medical dictionary. 2011.
isopropyl- — ❖ ♦ Chim. Élément servant à former les mots désignant les corps substitués par un radical isopropyle … Encyclopédie Universelle
Isopropyl... — Isopropyl..., Bezeichnung der chemischen Nomenklatur für die Kohlenwasserstoffgruppe CH(CH3)2 … Universal-Lexikon
isopropyl — [ī΄sə prō′pəl] n. [ ISO + PROPYL] the monovalent radical (CH3) 2CH, an isomer of the monovalent propyl radical C3H7 … English World dictionary
Isopropyl — In organic chemistry, isopropyl is a substituent form of propane, the three carbon alkyl functional group. As an isomer of propyl, bonding to an R group occurs at the secondary (2°) carbon.Isopropyl (common name) is also known as 1 methylethyl… … Wikipedia
Isopropyl — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name 2 Propanol Andere Namen Propan 2 ol (IUPAC) Propanol 2 Isopropanol Isopropylalkohol … Deutsch Wikipedia
isopropyl — /uy seuh proh pil/, adj. Chem. containing the isopropyl group. [1865 70; ISO + PROPYL] * * * … Universalium
isopropyl — adj. contains the isopropyl group (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
isopropyl- — izopropil statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė (CH₃)₂CH– atitikmenys: angl. isopropyl rus. изопропил … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Isopropyl jojobate — is the ester of Isopropyl alcohol and the acids derived from jojoba oil. Isopropyl jojobate is commonly used in cosmetic formulations. Chemical structure Isopropyl jojobate is the isopropyl ester of the unfractionated saponification product of… … Wikipedia
Isopropyl myristate — Isopropyl myristate[1] IUPAC name Prop … Wikipedia
Isopropyl chloride — IUPAC name … Wikipedia