Immune complex — Diseases An immune complex is formed from the integral binding of an antibody to a soluble antigen. The bound antigen acting as a specific epitope, bound to an antibody is referred to as a singular immune complex. After an antigen antibody… … Wikipedia
immune complex hemolytic anemia — A condition in which the body’s immune system stops red blood cells from forming or causes them to clump together. Immune complex hemolytic anemia can occur in patients who have chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Also called autoimmune hemolytic … English dictionary of cancer terms
immune complex — Multimolecular antibody antigen complexes that may be soluble or insoluble depending upon their size and whether or not complement is present. Immune complexes can be filtered from plasma in the kidney, and the deposition of the complexes gives… … Dictionary of molecular biology
immune complex diseases — Diseases characterized by the presence of immune complexes in body fluids. Hypersensitivity of the Arthus type and serum sickness are examples … Dictionary of molecular biology
immune complex disease — any of a variety of local or systemic diseases caused by the formation of circulating antibody antigen immune complexes and their deposition in tissue, due to activation of complement and to recruitment and activation of leukocytes; see also type … Medical dictionary
immune complex glomerulonephritis — glomerulonephritis due to formation of circulating immune complexes and their deposition in tissue, a type III hypersensitivity reaction, which causes activation of complement and an inflammatory response, leading to activation of leukocytes and… … Medical dictionary
immune complex — (ī mūn kom pleks) The product of an antigen antibody reaction, which may also contain components of the complement system … Dictionary of microbiology
immune complex — an aggregate of an antigen and its specific antibody. [1970 75] * * * … Universalium
immune complex — an aggregate of an antigen and its specific antibody. [1970 75] … Useful english dictionary
Immune tolerance — or immunological tolerance is the process by which the immune system does not attack an antigen.[1] It can be either natural or self tolerance , in which the body does not mount an immune response to self antigens, or induced tolerance , in which … Wikipedia