diazobenzenesulfonic acid
- diazobenzenesulfonic acid
di·azo·ben·zene·sul·fon·ic acid or chiefly Brit
di·azo·ben·zene·sul·phon·ic acid .dī-.az-(.)ō-.ben-.zēn-.səl-.fän-ik- n a white or reddish crystalline acid derivative C
3S of sulfanilic acid that is used as the reagent in the diazo reaction
* * *
di·azo·ben·zene·sul·fon·ic ac·id (di-az″o-ben″zēn-səl-fonґik) p-sulfobenzenediazonium hydroxide inner salt; white or slightly red crystals, prepared by the diazotization of sulfanilic acid and used in Ehrlich diazo reaction.
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diazobenzenesulfonic acid — (ˈ)dī¦azō, ¦āzōˌ… noun Etymology: diaz + benzene + sulfonic : a white or reddish crystalline acid derivative C6H4N2O3S of sulfanilic acid that is used as the reagent in the diazo reaction … Useful english dictionary
sulfanilic acid — sul·fa·nil·ic acid or chiefly Brit sul·pha·nil·ic acid .səl fə .nil ik n a crystalline acid C6H7NO3S obtained from aniline and used esp. in making dyes and as a reagent * * * sul·fa·nil·ic ac·id (sul″fə nilґik) a white crystalline… … Medical dictionary
diazo reaction — n a reaction in which a diazo compound is made or used specif a reaction in various diseases (as typhoid fever) consisting of a red discoloration of the urine on addition of diazobenzenesulfonic acid * * * Ehrlich diazo r … Medical dictionary
diaz- — combining form or diazo Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from di + az 1. usually diazo : containing the group N2 united to carbon in one organic radical diazoacetic ester N2CHCOOC2H … Useful english dictionary
diazo reaction — noun : a reaction in which a diazo compound is made or used; specifically : a reaction in various diseases (as typhoid fever) consisting of a red discoloration of the urine on addition of diazobenzenesulfonic acid … Useful english dictionary