bile pigment — noun : any of several coloring matters (as bilirubin or biliverdin) in the bile that pass on oxidation through a succession of colors useful as tests for the pigments * * * bile pigment, one of the coloring substances in bile, such as bilirubin… … Useful english dictionary
bile pigment — noun Any of several coloured compounds derived from porphyrin that are found in bile; principally bilirubin and biliverdin … Wiktionary
bile pigment — /ˈbaɪl pɪgmənt/ (say buyl pigmuhnt) noun a decomposition product of haemoglobin present in bile …
pigment gallstone — a gallstone whose major component is a bile pigment. Black stones, usually found in the gallbladder, are composed of calcium bilirubinate or pigment polymers, with or without calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and mucin; they are hard and… … Medical dictionary
Bile — is a yellow green fluid that is made by the liver, stored in the gallbladder and passes through the common bile duct into the duodenum where it helps digest fat. The principal components of bile are cholesterol, bile salts, and the pigment… … Medical dictionary
Pigment — A substance that gives color to tissue. Pigments are responsible for the color of skin, eyes, and hair. * * * 1. Any coloring matter, as that of the red blood cells, hair, iris, etc., or the stains used in histologic or bacteriologic work, or… … Medical dictionary
Pigment biliaire — Les pigments biliaires sont des résidus de la dégradation de l hémoglobine des globules rouges usés (la durée de vie moyenne des globules rouges est de 120 jours). La partie non protéique de l hémoglobine (l hème) est dégradée en fer et… … Wikipédia en Français
bile pigments — coloured compounds breakdown products of the blood pigment haemoglobin that are excreted in bile. The two most important bile pigments are bilirubin, which is orange or yellow, and its oxidized form biliverdin, which is green. Mixed with the… … Medical dictionary
bile pigments — coloured compounds – breakdown products of the blood pigment haemoglobin – that are excreted in bile. The two most important bile pigments are bilirubin, which is orange or yellow, and its oxidized form biliverdin, which is green. Mixed with the… … The new mediacal dictionary
pigment — n. a substance giving colour. Physiologically important pigments include the blood pigments (especially haemoglobin), bile pigments, and retinal pigment (see rhodopsin). The pigment melanin occurs in the skin and in the iris of the eye. Important … The new mediacal dictionary