
The supportive framework of an organ (or gland or other structure). The stroma is usually composed of connective tissue. It is distinct from the parenchyma, which consists of the key functional elements of that same organ (or gland or other structure). The Greek word "stroma" means "anything spread out for sitting or lying upon," essentially a mat. The stroma in anatomy is thus the supporting tissue. The stroma of the thyroid gland is the connective tissue that supports the lobules and follicles of the thyroid gland.
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1. The framework, usually of connective tissue, of an organ, gland, or other structure, as distinguished from the parenchyma or specific substance of the part. 2. Aqueous phase of chloroplasts; i.e., chloroplast matrix. 3. Archaic term for mitochondrial matrix. [G. s., bed]
- s. glandulae thyroideae SYN: s. of thyroid gland.
- s. iridis SYN: s. of iris.
- s. of iris the delicate vascular connective tissue that lies between the anterior surface of the iris and the pars iridica retinae. SYN: s. iridis.
- lymphatic s. the network of reticular fibers and associated reticular cells of lymphatic tissue.
- nerve s. the connective tissue supporting structures of peripheral nerve fibers, consisting of endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium.
- s. ovarii SYN: s. of ovary.
- s. of ovary the fibrous tissue of the medulla of the ovary. SYN: s. ovarii.
- Rollet s. the colorless s. of the red blood cells.
- s. of thyroid gland the connective tissue that supports the lobules and follicles of the thyroid gland. SYN: s. glandulae thyroideae.
- s. of vitreous the delicate framework of the vitreous body embedded in or enclosing the vitrous humor. SYN: s. vitreum.
- s. vitreum SYN: s. of vitreous.

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stro·ma 'strō-mə n, pl stro·ma·ta -mət-ə
1) the supporting framework of an animal organ typically consisting of connective tissue
2) the spongy protoplasmic framework of some cells (as a red blood cell)
stro·mal -məl adj

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the connective tissue basis of an organ, as opposed to the functional tissue (parenchyma). For example, the stroma of the erythrocytes is the spongy framework of protein strands within a red blood cell in which the blood pigment haemoglobin is packed; the stroma of the cornea is the transparent fibrous tissue making up the main body of the cornea.

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stro·ma (stroґmə) pl. stroґmata [Gr. strōma anything laid out for lying or sitting upon] the matrix or supporting tissue of an organ, as distinguished from its parenchyma or functional element. stromal, stromatic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • stroma — [ strɔma ] n. m. • 1846; gr. strôma « tapis, couverture » 1 ♦ Biol. Trame conjonctive d un tissu. Stroma choroïdien, iridien. Spécialt, Pathol. Tissu conjonctif constituant la charpente d une tumeur cancéreuse. 2 ♦ Bot. Mycélium massif des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • stromă — STRÓMĂ, strome, s.f. (bot.) 1. Grup de lamele între care se găseşte clorofila unor plante. 2. Organ de rezistenţă al unor ciuperci, în care se află elementele de înmulţire. – Din fr. stroma. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

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  • Stroma — Stro ma, n.; pl. {Stromata}. [L., a bed covering, Gr. ? a couch or bed.] 1. (Anat.) (a) The connective tissue or supporting framework of an organ; as, the stroma of the kidney. (b) The spongy, colorless framework of a red blood corpuscle or other …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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