archicarp — [är′kəkärp΄] n. [ ARCHI + CARP] Bot. the female reproductive organ in an ascomycetous fungus, giving rise to spore sacs ( asci) after fertilization … English World dictionary
archicarp — /ahr ki kahrp /, n. Bot. the female sex organ in various ascomycete fungi. [1885 90; ARCHI + CARP] * * * … Universalium
archicarp — ar·chi·carp … English syllables
archicarp — /ˈakikap/ (say ahkeekahp) noun the female sex organ in various ascomycetous fungi, commonly a multicellular coiled hypha differentiated into a terminal trichogyne and the ascogonium …
archicarp — ˈärkēˌkärp noun ( s) Etymology: archi + carp : the female reproductive organ in ascomycetous fungi; specifically : one consisting of a carpogonium and a trichogyne * * * /ahr ki kahrp /, n. Bot. the female sex organ in various ascomycete fungi.… … Useful english dictionary
ascogonium — The female cell in an ascomycete that is fertilized by the male cell. * * * as·co·go·ni·um .as kə gō nē əm n, pl nia nē ə the fertile basal often one celled portion of an archicarp broadly ARCHICARP * * * … Medical dictionary
ascogonium — /æskəˈgoʊniəm/ (say askuh gohneeuhm) noun (plural ascogonia /æskəˈgoʊniə/ (say askuh gohneeuh)) (in certain ascomycetous fungi) 1. ) the female sexual organ; the archicarp. 2. ) the portion of the archicarp which receives the antheridial nuclei… …
АРХИКАРП — англ.archicarp нем.Archicarp франц.archicarpe см. > … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник
ascogonium — ascogonial, adj. /as keuh goh nee euhm/, n., pl. ascogonia / nee euh/. Mycol. 1. the female sexual organ in certain ascomycetous fungi. 2. the portion of the archicarp in certain ascomycetous fungi that receives the antheridial nuclei and puts… … Universalium
archi- — a prefix: 1. variant of arch . 2. Biology original or primitive , as in archicarp. {Latin, from Greek. See arch } …