tablet triturate; talar tilt; tandem transplant; tactile tension; tendon of Todaro; tendon transfer; terminal transferase; test tube; testicular torsion; tetanus toxin; tetanus toxoid; tetrathionate; tetrazol; therapeutic touch; thrombin time; thrombolytic therapy; thromboplastin time; thymol turbidity; tibial tubercle; tibial tuberosity; tick typhus; tiger-top; tilt table; tiny T [antigen]; tissue tolerance; tolerance test; tonometry; total thyroidectomy; total thyroxine; total time; total transfer; trabecular thickness; transient tachypnea; transferred to; transit time; transthoracic; transtracheal; treadmill test; trend template; triple therapy; tritiated thymidine; tuberculin test; tuber-culoid [in Ridley-Jopling Hansen disease classification]; tube thoracostomy; tumor thrombus; turnover time; tyrosine transaminase

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therapeutic touch; thrombin time.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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