synovitis-acne-pustulosis hyperostosis-osteomyelitis [syndrome]

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Sapho — or Sappho may refer to: *Sapho juice, a fictional drug used by the Mentats, living computers from Frank Herbert s Dune universe *Sapho (singer), a French singer * Sapho (novel), a novel by Alphonse Daudet *SAPHO syndrome, chronic disease with… …   Wikipedia

  • Sapho — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Artistes et œuvres d art Au cinéma : Sapho réalisé par Hugh Ford sorti en 1917. Sapho est un film réalisé par Léonce Perret en 1934. Sappho, fiction… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sapho —    Clyde Fitch s adaptation of Alphonse Daudet s 1884 novel (which had been dramatized by A. Belot and Daudet s widow) opened on 5 February 1900 at Wallack s Theatre. The play focuses on a poverty stricken French girl, Fanny Legrand, who becomes… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • Sapho — Sappho ou Sapho (v. 620 v. 580 av. J. C.) poétesse lyrique grecque. Elle tint une école féminine de poésie et de musique à Lesbos. La légende veut qu elle se soit adonnée à l homosexualité (saphisme), mais aussi que, désespérée par l indifférence …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sapho and Phao — is an Elizabethan era stage play, a comedy written by John Lyly. One of Lyly s earliest dramas, it was likely the first that the playwright devoted to the allegorical idealization of Queen Elizabeth I that became the predominating feature of Lyly …   Wikipedia

  • Sapho ou la Fureur d'aimer — Données clés Titre original Sapho ou la Fureur d aimer Réalisation Georges Farrel Scénario Georges Farrel d après le roman d Alphonse Daudet, Sapho : mœurs parisiennes (1884) Acteurs principaux Marina Vlady …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sapho (singer) — Sapho Saaf is a French singer of Moroccan Jewish descent. She started her career in rock music, but later concentrated on her North African roots, singing tunes by Umm Kulthum and working together with Pat Jabbar and the Orchestre de Nazareth.She …   Wikipedia

  • Sapho (Gounod) — Sapho was the first opera composed by Charles Gounod. He wrote it, to a libretto by Émile Augier, at the prompting of the singer Pauline Viardot who took the title role. The story of the opera is based on legends of the Greek poetess Sappho, her… …   Wikipedia

  • SAPHO syndrome — is an eponym for a condition which is characterized by a combination of: Synovitis inflammation of the joint lining (synovium), typically manifest as warmth, tenderness, pain, swelling, and stiffness of involved joints (arthritis). Acne a… …   Medical dictionary

  • Sapho, Phaon et l'Amour — Artiste Jacques Louis David Année 1809 Type peinture d histoire Technique peinture à …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sapho (opera) — Sapho is an opera in five acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Henri Cain and Arthur Bernède, based on the novel of the same name by Alphonse Daudet. It was first performed at the Opéra Comique in Paris on November 27, 1897 with Emma… …   Wikipedia

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