radioscaphoid; radiosurgery; random sample; rating schedule; Raynaud syndrome; reaction stimulus; recipient's serum; rectal sinus; rectal suppository; rectosigmoid; reducing substance; Reed-Sternberg [cell]; reinforcing stimulus; Reiter syndrome; relative stimulus; remote sensing; remote site; renal specialist; respiratory system; respiratory syncytial [virus]; response to stimulus; resting subject; reticulated siderocyte; retinoschisis; Rett syndrome; review of symptoms; Reye syndrome; right sacrum; Reykjavik Study [coronary diseases in Icelandic males]; ribonucleic acid [RNA] synthetase; right septum; right side; right stellate [ganglion]; Ringer solution; Roberts syndrome; Rous sarcoma

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Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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