
In genetics, resolution refers to the degree of molecular detail on a physical map of DNA, ranging from low to high.
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1. The arrest of an inflammatory process without suppuration; the absorption or breaking down and removal of the products of inflammation or of a new growth. See line pairs, under pair. 2. The optical ability to distinguish detail such as the separation of closely adjacent objects. SYN: resolving power (3). [L. resolutio, a slackening, fr. re-solvo, pp. -solutus, to loosen, relax]

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res·o·lu·tion .rez-ə-'lü-shən n
1) the separating of a chemical compound or mixture into its constituents
2) the process or capability of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent optical images, or sources of light
3) the subsidence of a pathological state (as inflammation)

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1. the stage during which inflammation gradually disappears.
2. the degree to which individual details can be distinguished by the eye, as through a microscope.

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res·o·lu·tion (rez″o-looґshən) [L. resolutum, from resolvere to unbind] 1. the subsidence of a pathologic state, as the subsidence of an inflammation, or the softening and disappearance of a swelling. 2. the perception as separate of two adjacent objects or points. In microscopy, it is the minimal distance at which two adjacent objects can be distinguished as separate. The resolving power of an instrument depends on the wavelength of the radiation used and the numerical aperture of the system; it is expressed in microns distance or lines per millimeter. 3. a measure of the fineness of detail that can be discerned in an image.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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