- μ bar microbar
- methylene blue active substance
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
microbar — MICROBÁR, microbari, s.m. (fiz.) Barie. – Din engl. microbar. Trimis de LauraGellner, 29.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 MICROBÁR s. v. barie. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime microbár s. m., pl … Dicționar Român
bar|ad — «BAR ad», noun. = microbar. (Cf. ↑microbar) ╂[< Greek báros weight; patterned on English farad] … Useful english dictionary
microbar — [mī′krō bär΄] n. [ MICRO + BAR2] one millionth of a bar, or one dyne per square centimeter: symbol, μb … English World dictionary
bar — bar1 [bär] n. [ME & OFr barre < ML barra, bar, barrier, prob. < Gaul * barros, the bushy end, akin to Ir bar, branch < IE * bhoros, cut wood < base * bher , to cut with a sharp tool] 1. any piece of wood, metal, etc. longer than it is … English World dictionary
microbar — (µbar) a CGS unit of pressure equal to 0.001 millibar, 0.1 pascal, 1 dyne per square centimeter (1 barye), or about 0.002 089 pounds per square foot. The microbar is used commonly in acoustics and sound engineering … Dictionary of units of measurement
microbar — mikrobaras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Nesisteminis dalinis slėgio matavimo vienetas, lygus milijonajai baro daliai, t. y. 1 μbar = 10⁻⁶ bar. atitikmenys: angl. barye; microbar vok. Barye, n; Mikrobar, n rus. бария … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
bar — bar1 barless, adj. barrable, adj. /bahr/, n., v., barred, barring, prep. n. 1. a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some mechanical purpose: the bars of a cage. 2 … Universalium
microbar — noun the absolute unit of pressure equal to one dyne per square centimeter • Syn: ↑barye, ↑bar absolute • Hypernyms: ↑pressure unit • Part Holonyms: ↑bar * * * ˈmīkrə+ˌ noun … Useful english dictionary
microbar — mi·cro·bar (miґkro bahr) one millionth (10−6) of a bar … Medical dictionary
bar absolute — noun the absolute unit of pressure equal to one dyne per square centimeter • Syn: ↑barye, ↑microbar • Hypernyms: ↑pressure unit • Part Holonyms: ↑bar … Useful english dictionary