abuse — noun. This has developed a sinister violent meaning, ‘maltreatment or (especially sexual) assault of a person’, and is now widely familiar in the specific context of child abuse, of which various aspects include physical abuse, domestic abuse,… … Modern English usage
Steroid use in American football — The use of performance enhancing drugs in the sport of American football has been an ongoing issue since the late 1980s, especially in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL began to test players for steroid use during the 1987 season, and… … Wikipedia
Steroid abuse — Use of substances containing anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass. Such steroids can have many side effects when misused, including psychiatric problems, liver tumors, reduction in the size of the male genitals and sterility, and heart… … Medical dictionary
Anabolic steroid — cite journal author=Grishkovskaya I, Avvakumov GV, Sklenar G, Dales D, Hammond GL, Muller YA title=Crystal structure of human sex hormone binding globulin: steroid transport by a laminin G like domain journal=EMBO J. volume=19 issue=4… … Wikipedia
University of South Carolina steroid scandal — Part of a series on Doping in sport … Wikipedia
Clemson University steroid scandal — Part of a series on Doping in sport … Wikipedia
drug abuse — drug abuser. 1. addiction to drugs. 2. substance abuse involving drugs. [1965 70] * * * the excessive, maladaptive, or addictive use of drugs for nonmedical purposes despite social, psychological, and physical problems that may arise from… … Universalium
substance abuse — the nonclinical, or recreational, use of pharmacologically active substances such that continued use results in adverse physiological or psychological effects (see dependence). Substances commonly abused include alcohol (see alcoholism),… … Medical dictionary
April Fools Day 2008 — April 1, 2008 was an April Fools Day falling on a Tuesday. In newspapers, magazines and news websites * About.com s Car Reviews posted a fake story that Toyota had announced a new 256 horsepower V6 Prius to accommodate the needs of car buyers… … Wikipedia
Anabolisant — Stéroïde anabolisant Structure de la sex hormone binding globulin, transportant la 5α dihydrotestosterone.[1] Les stéroïdes anabolisants, également connus sous le nom de stéroïdes … Wikipédia en Français