- extrathoracic assisted breathing
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Etab Hotels & Suites — (Эль Хубар,Саудовская Аравия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Fourth Street behind Ven … Каталог отелей
ETAB — Executive Technical Advisory Board (Academic & Science » Electronics) … Abbreviations dictionary
ETAB — • extrathoracic assisted breathing … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Hotel Etab am Klinikum — (Гейдельберг,Германия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Dossenheimer Landstr. 61 … Каталог отелей
Société Métallurgique de Normandie — The Société Métallurgique de Normandie (Metallurgic Company of Normandy), or SMN was a steel mill in Caen (Colombelles), Normandy. It opened in 1912 and closed in 1993.In 1910, the Thyssen Group obtained the concession for mining iron in the… … Wikipedia
Lycée André Maurois — The Lycée André Maurois is a high school in Deauville, France.HistoryDuring World War II, the Lycée Malherbe was forced to seek refuge in a hotel in Deauville. The new school was set up in the Hôtel de la Terrasse. Once the war was over, an annex … Wikipedia
Liste des collèges du Loiret — Le département français du Loiret sur une carte de France Le département français du Loiret (région Centre) compte 67 collèges répartis sur le territoire de 44 communes parmi lesquels 56 sont publics et 11 privés … Wikipédia en Français
Watermill — This article is about a type of structure. For other locational uses see Milldam . For details of the technologies, see Water wheel and Mill machinery . A watermill is a structure that uses a water wheel or turbine to drive a mechanical process… … Wikipedia
Émile Gallé — (Nancy, 8 May 1846 ndash; Nancy, September 23, 1904) was a French artist who worked in glass, and is considered to be one of the major forces in the French Art Nouveau movement.Gallé was the son of a faience and furniture manufacturer and studied … Wikipedia
Andouille — (French: IPA| [ɑ̃duj] , American English: IPA| [ɑnˡdu:ɪ] (pronounced ahn DWEE ) is defined Andouille sausage (Gastronomy) Definition (various), MiMi.hu, 2006, webpage: [http://en.mimi.hu/gastronomy/andouille sausage.html Hu Andou] . ] as a coarse … Wikipedia