- endoscopic full-thickness skin graft resection
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
EFTR — • endoscopic full thickness skin graft resection … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
England Runestones — Main article: Viking Runestones. The England Runestones is a group of c. 30 runestones that refer to Viking Age voyages to England. They constitute one of the largest groups of runestones that mention voyages to other countries, and they are… … Wikipedia
List of Purveyors to the Court of Sweden — This is a List of Purveyors to the Court of Sweden who have been granted a Royal Warrant by H.M. the King of Sweden or H.M. the Queen of Sweden. To qualify for a Royal Warrant the order must come from the Royal Court and the company must deliver… … Wikipedia
England runestones — … Wikipedia
Piedras rúnicas sobre Inglaterra — Contenido 1 Convenciones 1.1 Transliteración y transcripción 1.2 Nomenclatura 2 Uppland … Wikipedia Español
Liste schwedischer Hoflieferanten — Schwedische Hoflieferanten erhalten das Privileg, das große Wappen öffentlich führen zu dürfen In Schweden wird ein Hoflieferant vom Monarchen für seine Verdienste und auf Grund der hohen Qualität der Produkte mit dem Titel Kunglig Hovleverantör… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Granby Runestone — Runefacts|name=Granbyhällen rundataid=U 337 country=Sweden region=Uppland city=Granby produced=11th century artist=Visäte text native=Old Norse : HæmingR ok Sialfi ok Iohan þæiR lata haggva æftiR faður sinn Finnvið, ok Vargas(?)/Varghôss(?) ok… … Wikipedia
Greece Runestones — The Greece Runestones comprise around 30 runestones containing information related to voyages made by Scandinavians to Greece , which refers to the Byzantine Empire (ON.: Grikkland , Grikk(i)aR ), during the Viking Age and until the early 12th… … Wikipedia
Baltic expeditions runestones — The Baltic expeditions runestones are Varangian Runestones in memory of men who took part in peaceful or warlike expeditions across the Baltic Sea, where Finland and the Baltic States are presently located.Beside the runestones treated in this… … Wikipedia
Åsarp — Hilfe zu Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia