
Those regions of the cerebellar cortex whose predominant afferent fibers arise from the ganglion vestibulare and the vestibular nuclei; structures included under this term are nodulus, flocculus, ventral parts of the uvula and small ventral parts of the lingula. SYN: archeocerebellum. [vestibulo- + L. cerebellum]

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ves·tib·u·lo·cer·e·bel·lum (vəs-tib″u-lo-ser″ə-belґəm) [vestibular system + cerebellum] [TA] the portion of the cerebellum serving as the primary site of termination of the vestibular afferents, roughly corresponding to the flocculonodular lobe; therefore, the term is sometimes equated with archicerebellum, which is the anatomical division of the cerebellum comprising the flocculonodular lobe. Cf. spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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