- vasosection
- SYN: vasotomy.
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vaso·sec·tion (va″zo-) (vas″o-sekґshən) [vaso- + section] the severing of a vessel or vessels.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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vaso·sec·tion (va″zo-) (vas″o-sekґshən) [vaso- + section] the severing of a vessel or vessels.Medical dictionary. 2011.
vasosection — noun surgical incision into or division of the vas deferens • Syn: ↑vasotomy • Hypernyms: ↑incision, ↑section, ↑surgical incision … Useful english dictionary
vasotomy — Incision into or division of the vas deferens. SYN: vasosection. [vaso + G. tome, incision] * * * va·sot·o·my vā zät ə mē n, pl mies surgical incision of the vas deferens * * * n. a surgical incision into the vas deferens (the duct conveyi … Medical dictionary
surgical incision — noun the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation) • Syn: ↑incision, ↑section • Derivationally related forms: ↑incisive (for: ↑incision), ↑incise ( … Useful english dictionary
vasotomy — noun surgical incision into or division of the vas deferens • Syn: ↑vasosection • Hypernyms: ↑incision, ↑section, ↑surgical incision * * * /va sot euh mee/, n., pl. vasotomies. Surg. incision or opening of the vas deferens. [VASO + TOMY] … Useful english dictionary