
Implanting in one part a tissue or organ taken from another part or from another individual. SEE ALSO: graft. [L. transplanto, pp. -atus, to transplant]
- bone marrow t. grafting of bone marrow tissue; used in aplastic anemia, primary immunodeficiency, acute leukemia (following total body irradiation), and in patients with cancer ( e.g., breast) who undergo extensive chemotherapy such that their bone marrow is destroyed.
- cardiopulmonary t. SYN: heart-lung t..
- t. of cornea SYN: keratoplasty.
- heart t. replacement of a severely damaged heart with a normal heart from a brain-dead donor.
- heart-lung t. simultaneous t. of the heart and both lungs. SYN: cardiopulmonary t..
- pancreaticoduodenal t. a technically feasible t. including both the duodenum and pancreas.
- renal t. t. of a kidney from a compatible donor to restore kidney function in a recipient suffering from renal failure.
- tendon t. 1. insertion of a slip from the tendon of a sound muscle into the tendon of a paralyzed muscle; 2. replacement of a length of tendon by a free graft.
- tooth t. the transfer of a tooth from one alveolus to another.

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trans·plan·ta·tion .tran(t)s-.plan-'tā-shən n an act, process, or instance of transplanting esp the removal of tissue from one part of the body or from one individual and its implantation or insertion in another esp. by surgery <corneal \transplantation> <the \transplantation of lung tissue>

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the implantation of an organ or tissue (see graft) from one part of the body to another or from one person (the donor) to another (the recipient). Success for transplantation depends on the degree of compatibility between donor and graft: it is greatest for autograft (self-grafts), less for allograft (between individuals of the same species), and least for xenograft (between different species; see xenotransplantation). Skin and bone grafting are examples of transplantation techniques in the same individual. A kidney transplant involves the grafting of a healthy kidney from a donor to replace the diseased kidney of the recipient: renal transplantation is the second commonest example of human transplant surgery using allografts (after corneal grafts - see keratoplasty). Bone-marrow, heart, heart-lung, and liver transplants are also very successful, and pancreatic transplantation is now being done. A few patients have undergone laryngeal transplantation following laryngectomy. Transplanting organs or tissues between individuals is a difficult procedure because of the natural rejection processes in the recipient of the graft. Special treatment (e.g. with immunosuppressant drugs) is needed to prevent graft rejection.

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trans·plan·ta·tion (trans″plan-taґshən) [trans- + plantation] the grafting of tissues taken from the patient's own body or from another; called also graft, grafting, and transplant.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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