- thyroprival
- Relating to thyroprivia, denoting hypothyroidism produced by disease or thyroidectomy. SYN: thyroprivic, thyroprivous. [thyro- + L. privus, deprived of]
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thy·ro·pri·val (thi″ro-priґvəl) hypothyroid.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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thy·ro·pri·val (thi″ro-priґvəl) hypothyroid.Medical dictionary. 2011.
hypothyroid — Marked by reduced thyroid function. * * * hy·po·thy·roid .hī pō thī .rȯid adj of, relating to, or affected with hypothyroidism * * * hy·po·thy·roid (hi″po thiґroid) marked by or due to hypothyroidism. Called also athyrotic, thyroprival,… … Medical dictionary
thyroprivic, thyroprivous — SYN: thyroprival … Medical dictionary