- thonzonium bromide
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thon·zo·ni·um bro·mide (thon-zoґne-əm) a cationic detergent used as an additive to ear drops to enhance tissue contact by dispersion and penetration of cellular debris.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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thon·zo·ni·um bro·mide (thon-zoґne-əm) a cationic detergent used as an additive to ear drops to enhance tissue contact by dispersion and penetration of cellular debris.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Coly-Mycin S Otic — Coly My·cin S Ot·ic (kolґe mi″sin) trademark for a combination preparation of colistin sulfate, thonzonium bromide, neomycin sulfate, and hydrocorticone acetate … Medical dictionary