thermoduric — I. |thərmō|d(y)u̇rik adjective Etymology: therm + Latin durare to last + English ic more at dure : able to survive high temperatures; specifically : able to survive pasteurization used of microorganisms … Useful english dictionary
thermoduric — adjective Etymology: therm + Latin durare to last more at during Date: 1927 able to survive high temperatures; specifically able to survive pasteurization used of microorganisms … New Collegiate Dictionary
thermoduric — /therr meuh door ik, dyoor ik/, adj. Bacteriol. (of certain microorganisms) able to survive high temperatures, as during pasteurization. [1930 35; THERMO + L dur(are) to last + IC] * * * … Universalium
thermoduric — adj. able to withstand high temperatures … English contemporary dictionary
thermoduric — ther·mo·du·ric … English syllables
thermoduric — ther•mo•dur•ic [[t]ˌθɜr məˈdʊər ɪk, ˈdyʊər ɪk[/t]] adj. mcr (of certain microorganisms) able to survive high temperatures, as during pasteurization • Etymology: 1930–35; thermo + L dūr(āre) to last + ic … From formal English to slang
thermoduric — /θɜmoʊˈdjurɪk/ (say thermoh dyoohrik) adjective resistant to relatively high temperatures. {thermo + Latin dūrāre to last + ic} …
thermoduric — a. resistant to high temperatures … Dictionary of difficult words
microbacterium — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from micr + bacterium 1. capitalized : a genus of minute nonmotile gram positive thermoduric lactobacteria that are common in dairy products and the mammalian intestinal tract 2. plural microbacteria : any … Useful english dictionary
Pasteurization — is a process of heating a food, usually liquid, to a specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately. This process slows microbial growth in food. The process of heating wine for preservation purposes has been… … Wikipedia