- tetanospasmin
- The neurotoxin of Clostridium tetani, which causes the characteristic signs and symptoms of tetanus; chief action is on the anterior horn cells, and the spasms seem to be due to action at inhibitory synapses.
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tet·a·no·spas·min .tet-ən-ō-'spaz-mən n a crystalline unstable neurotoxin produced by the tetanus bacillus and held to be the cause of the tetanic convulsions of tetanus called also tetanus toxin* * *
n.a toxin produced by tetanus bacilli in an infected wound. The toxin diffuses along nerves, causing paralysis, and may reach the spinal cord and brain, when it causes violent muscular spasms and the condition of lockjaw.* * *
tet·a·no·spas·min (tet″ə-no-spazґmin) [tetanus + spasm- + -in chemical suffix] the neurotoxic exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani, a highly potent protein that binds to gangliosides and blocks the synaptic terminals of the central nervous system, causing the typical muscle spasms of tetanus. It is one of the most powerful poisons known. Called also tetanus toxin. See also tetanolysin.
Medical dictionary. 2011.