- La Leche League
- An organization that helps and supports breastfeeding mothers with advice, ideas, and both legal and medical advocacy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
La Leche League — (LLL) est une association internationale de promotion de l allaitement maternel. La Leche League a été créée en 1956 à Franklin Park (Illinois, États Unis) par deux femmes, Mary White et Marian Tompson, qui souhaitaient promouvoir l allaitement… … Wikipédia en Français
La Leche League International — (LLLI) ( La Leche is Spanish for the milk ) is an international nonprofit organization that distributes information on and promotes breastfeeding. It was founded in 1956 in Franklin Park, Illinois and has a presence in sixty five countries.… … Wikipedia
La Leche League International — Organización internacional que promueve y facilita información sobre la lactancia materna. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
La Leche League — … Useful english dictionary
Leche maternizada — Infante alimentándose de una mamadera. La leche maternizada, leche de fórmula o fórmula infantil es leche de vaca la cual es modificada para que puedan tomarla los bebés que no tienen acceso a la leche materna, sin significar necesariamente que… … Wikipedia Español
La Leche Liga — Die La Leche Liga (englisch: La Leche League) ist eine Non Profit Organisation, die sich der Förderung und Verbreitung des Stillens widmet. Sie wurde 1956 in den USA gegründet und ist mittlerweile in 78 Ländern der Erde aktiv. Die La Leche Liga… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liga de la Leche Internacional — La Liga de La [sic] Leche, Internacional (LLL), es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro, dedicada a la promoción de la lactancia materna mediante el apoyo mutuo entre madres. Un niño amamantándose con leche materna … Wikipedia Español
Couple to Couple League — The Couple to Couple League is an international, non profit organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio dedicated to teaching and promoting Natural Family Planning. Specifically, CCL promotes the sympto thermal method of fertility awareness and also… … Wikipedia
Marian Tompson — Marian Leonard Tompson June 2011 in Evanston, Illinois is one of the seven founders of La Leche League International.[1] She was President of La Leche League for 24 years, from 1956 to 1980, and a member of the Founde … Wikipedia
List of breastfeeding activists — There is an international breastfeeding community. It includes people who actively promote breastfeeding, teach breastfeeding, research breastfeeding and related health issues, and who write about breastfeeding and the ways it influences… … Wikipedia