
SYN: substance. [L.]
- s. adamantina SYN: enamel.
- s. alba SYN: white matter.
- basal s. [TA] basal structures associated with the amygdaloid complex and its connections; includes the basal nucleus [TA] (nucleus basalis [TA]) also called the nucleus of Ganser, the sublenticular extended nucleus [TA] (pars sublenticularis amygdalae [TA]), and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis [TA] (nucleus stria terminalis [TA]). SYN: s. basalis [TA].
- s. basalis [TA] SYN: basal s..
- s. basophilia SYN: Nissl substance.
- s. cinerea SYN: gray matter.
- s. compacta [TA] SYN: compact bone.
- s. compacta ossium SYN: compact bone.
- s. corticalis [TA] SYN: cortical bone.
- s. eburnea SYN: dentine.
- s. ferruginea SYN: locus caeruleus.
- s. fundamentalis SYN: ground substance.
- s. gelatinosa [TA] SYN: gelatinous substance.
- s. gelatinosa centralis SYN: central and lateral intermediate substances, under substance.
- s. glandularis prostatae SYN: glandular substance of prostate.
- s. grisea [TA] SYN: gray matter.
- s. grisea centralis [TA] SYN: central gray substance.
- s. innominata [TA] SYN: innominate substance.
- s. intermedia centralis [TA] See central and lateral intermediate substances, under substance.
- s. intermedia lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral intermediate substance. See central and lateral intermediate substances, under substance.
- s. lentis [TA] SYN: substance of lens of eye.
- s. medullaris 1. SYN: medulla. 2. SYN: medullary substance.
- s. muscularis prostatae SYN: muscular substance of prostate.
- s. nigra [TA] a large cell mass, crescentic on transverse section, extending forward over the dorsal surface of the crus cerebri from the rostral border of the pons into the subthalamic region; it is composed of a dorsal stratum of closely spaced pigmented ( i.e., melanin-containing) cells, the pars compacta [TA], a larger ventral region of widely scattered cells, the pars reticulata [TA], and smaller less distinct regions, the pars lateralis [TA] and pars retrorubralis [TA], the pars compacta in particular includes numerous cells that project forward to the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) and contain dopamine, which acts as the transmitter at their synaptic endings; other, apparently nondopaminergic cells of the s. nigra project to a rostral part of the ventral nucleus of thalamus, to the middle layers of the superior colliculus, and to restricted parts of the reticular formation of the midbrain; the nigrostriatal projection is reciprocated by a massive striatonigral fiber system with multiple neurotransmitters, chief among which is γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA); s. n. receives smaller afferent projections from the subthalamic nucleus, the lateral segment of the globus pallidus, the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, and the pedunculopontine nucleus of the midbrain. The pars reticulata forms part of the output system for the striate body. The s. n. is involved in the metabolic disturbances associated with Parkinson disease and Huntington disease. SYN: locus niger, nucleus niger, Soemmerring ganglion.
- s. ossea dentis SYN: cement (1).
- s. perforata anterior [TA] SYN: anterior perforated substance.
- s. perforata rostralis SYN: anterior perforated substance.
- s. perforata posterior [TA] SYN: posterior perforated substance.
- s. propria of cornea proper substance of cornea, modified transparent connective tissue, between the layers of which are open spaces or lacunae nearly filled with the corneal cells or corpuscles. SYN: s. propria corneae.
- s. propria corneae SYN: s. propria of cornea.
- s. propria membranae tympani proper substance of tympanic membrane, the layer of radial and circular collagenous fibers of the tympanic membrane.
- s. propria of sclera [TA] proper substance of the sclera, the dense white fibrous tissue arranged in interlacing bundles that forms the main mass of the sclera, continuous anteriorly with the s. propria of the cornea. SYN: s. propria sclerae [TA].
- s. propria sclerae [TA] SYN: s. propria of sclera.
- s. reticularis 1. SYN: reticular substance (1). 2. SYN: reticular formation.
- s. reticulofilamentosa SYN: reticular substance (1).
- s. spongiosa [TA] bone in which the spicules or trabeculae form a three-dimensional latticework (cancellus) with the interstices filled with embryonal connective tissue or bone marrow. SYN: spongy bone (1) [TA], s. trabecularis, trabecular bone, cancellous bone, spongy substance.
- s. trabecularis s. spongiosa.
- s. vitrea SYN: enamel.

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sub·stan·tia səb-'stan-ch(ē-)ə n, pl -ti·ae -chē-.ē anatomical material, substance, or tissue

* * *

sub·stan·tia (səb-stanґshe-ə) pl. substanґtiae [L.] substance: the material of which a tissue, organ, or body is composed. Called also matter.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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