splenomegaly, splenomegalia

splenomegaly, splenomegalia
Enlargement of the spleen. SYN: megalosplenia. [spleno- + G. megas (megal-), large]
- congestive s. enlargement of the spleen due to passive congestion; sometimes used as a synonym for Banti syndrome.
- Egyptian s. term sometimes used as a synonym for schistosomiasis mansoni, although hepatomegaly and fibrosis are more consistently found than is an enlarged spleen.
- hemolytic s. s. associated with hemolytic jaundice.
- hyperreactive malarious s. a syndrome characterized by persistent s., exceptionally high serum IgM and malaria antibody levels, and hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis; believed to be a disturbance in the T-lymphocyte control of the humoral response to recurrent malaria. SYN: tropical s. syndrome.
- Niemann s. enlargement of spleen occurring in Niemann-Pick disease.
- tropical s. SYN: visceral leishmaniasis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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