
A small, spherical red blood cell. [sphero- + G. kytos, cell]

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sphe·ro·cyte 'sfir-ə-.sīt, 'sfer- n a more or less globular red blood cell that is characteristic of some hemolytic anemias

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an abnormal form of red blood cell (erythrocyte) that is spherical rather than disc-shaped. In blood films spherocytes appear smaller and stain more densely than normal red cells. They are characteristically seen in some forms of haemolytic anaemia. Spherocytes tend to be removed from the blood as they pass through the spleen. See also spherocytosis.

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sphe·ro·cyte (sfērґo-sīt) [sphero- + -cyte] a small, globular, completely hemoglobinated erythrocyte without the usual central pallor, found characteristically in hereditary spherocytosis but also observed in acquired hemolytic anemia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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