The Journal of the American Medical Association, better known as JAMA. JAMA, which began publication in 1883, now bills itself as "the world's best-read medical journal". However one defines "best-read", JAMA clearly ranks as one of the two leading general medical journals published in the United States. The other is the New England Journal of Medicine. JAMA is published by the American Medical Association (AMA) and reports American Medical Association policy, "as appropriate." However, according to JAMA, articles in it "do not reflect the official policy of the American Medical Association...." and JAMA has the objective of " maintaining editorial independence, objectivity, and responsibility." The mission of JAMA is lofty: "To promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of the public health." JAMA carries original, generally well-documented, peer-reviewed medical articles on a diversity of clinical as well as laboratory topics. It has become a publication that is timely, credible and, as medical journals go, important.

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JAMA abbr Journal of the American Medical Association

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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