- Siphonaptera
- The fleas, an order of wingless insect ectoparasites highly adapted for survival in mammalian fur; they are flattened laterally, spined, and equipped with well-developed metathoracic legs for jumping. [G. siphon, tube, + G. a- priv. + pteron, wing]
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Si·phon·ap·tera .sī-fən-'ap-tə-rə n pl an order of insects consisting of the fleas* * *
Si·pho·nap·tera (si″fo-napґtər-ə) [Gr. siphon tube + apteros wingless] the fleas, an order of insects whose bodies are laterally compressed, highly chitinized and sclerotized, and wingless; they are blood-sucking ectoparasites of mammals and birds. More than 800 species have been described, grouped in six or more families.
Medical dictionary. 2011.