- sinistrogyration
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sin·is·tro·gy·ra·tion (sin″is-tro-ji-raґshən) [sinistro- + gyration] a turning to the left, as a movement of the eye or the plane of polarization.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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sin·is·tro·gy·ra·tion (sin″is-tro-ji-raґshən) [sinistro- + gyration] a turning to the left, as a movement of the eye or the plane of polarization.Medical dictionary. 2011.
sinistrotorsion — A turning or twisting to the left. SYN: levocycleduction, levorotation (2), levotorsion (1), sinistrogyration, sinistrorotation. [sinistro + L. torsio, a twisting (torsion)] * * * sin·is·tro·tor·sion (sin″is tro torґshən) levoclination … Medical dictionary