
1. A succession of similar objects following one another in space or time. 2. In chemistry, a group of substances, either elements or compounds, having similar properties or differing from each other in composition by a constant ratio. [L. fr. sero, to join together]
- aromatic s. all the compounds derived from benzene, or similar cyclic compounds that obey the Hückel rule, distinguished from those compounds that are acyclic or that contain rings that lack the conjugated double bond structure characteristic of benzene.
- erythrocytic s. the cells in the various stages of development in the red bone marrow leading to the formation of the erythrocyte, e.g., erythroblasts, normoblasts, erythrocytes.
- fatty s. the alkanes; all the acyclic compounds in the methane, ethane, propane, etc., group, as distinguished from the aromatic s..
- granulocytic s. the cells in the several stages of development in the bone marrow leading to the mature granulocyte of the circulation, e.g., myeloblasts, different stages of the myelocyte, granulocytes.
- Hofmeister s. the s. of cations Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, and of anions citrate3, tartrate2, SO42, acetate, NO3, CIO3, I, CNS (among others), each s. arranged in order of decreasing ability to: 1) precipitate the dispersed substance of lyophilic sols; 2) “salt out” organic substances ( e.g., aniline, ethyl acetate) from aqueous solutions; or 3) inhibit the swelling of gels. These effects, among other related ones, are ascribable to the abstraction and binding of water by these ions ( i.e., hydration), which also decreases in the orders given, so that (in the monovalent cation s.) Li+, with the smallest crystal radius, has the largest hydrated radius, and vice versa for Cs+. SYN: lyotropic s..
- homologous s. a s. of organic compounds, the succeeding members of which differ from each other by the radical CH2 (as in the fatty s.).
- lymphocytic s., lymphoid s. the cells at various states in the development in lymphoid tissue of the mature lymphocytes, e.g., lymphoblasts, young lymphocytes, mature lymphocytes.
- lyotropic s. SYN: Hofmeister s..
- myeloid s. the granulocytic and the erythrocytic s..
- small bowel s. radiographic examination of the small intestine following the oral administration of contrast medium, usually barium sulfate. Cf.:small bowel enema.
- thrombocytic s. the cells of successive stages in thrombocytic (platelet) development in the bone marrow, e.g., thromboblasts, thrombocytes.
- upper GI s. a radiographic contrast study of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

* * *

se·ries 'si(ə)r-(.)ēz n, pl series
1) a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession <described a new \series of cases>
2) a group of specimens or types progressively differing from each other in some morphological or physiological attribute <a \series of antitoxins>
3) a group of chemical compounds related in composition and structure

* * *

se·ries (sērґēz) [L. “row”] 1. a group or succession of objects or substances arranged in regular order or forming a kind of chain. 2. a group of related tests leading up to either a diagnosis or the ruling out of a given diagnosis. 3. pertaining to electric circuit components connected “in series” so that the current flow goes through each component without branching; applied by extension to any similar series circuit, e.g., the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Cf. parallel. 4. a taxonomic category of fungi falling between a subphylum and an order and based on the type of ascus the organism possesses.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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