
1. A minor structure accompanying a more important or larger one; e.g., a vein accompanying an artery, or a small or secondary lesion adjacent to a larger one. 2. The posterior member of a pair of gregarine gamonts in syzygy, several of which may be found in some species. SEE ALSO: primite. [L. satelles (sattelit-), attendant]
- chromosome s. a small chromosomal segment separated from the main body of the chromosome by a secondary constriction; in humans it is usually associated with the short arm of an acrocentric chromosome.
- perineuronal s. an oligodendroglia cell surrounding the neuron.

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sat·el·lite 'sat-əl-.īt n
1) a short segment separated from the main body of a chromosome by a constriction called also trabant
2) the secondary or later member of a chain of gregarines
3) a bodily structure lying near or associated with another (as a vein accompanying an artery)
4) a smaller lesion accompanying a main one and situated nearby
5) a spectral line of low intensity having a frequency close to that of another stronger line to which it is closely related (as by having a common energy level)
satellite adj

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sat·el·lite (satґə-līt) [L. satelles companion] 1. a subservient smaller body that is under the influence of a larger one. 2. a vein that closely accompanies an artery, such as the brachial. 3. a minor, or attendant, lesion situated near a larger one. 4. a globoid mass of chromatin attached at the secondary constriction to the ends of the short arms of acrocentric autosomes. It may occur ectopically on other chromosomes through translocation; such heteromorphisms can be heritable and are sometimes associated with clinical conditions. exhibiting 5. satellitism. 6. the posterior of a pair of gregarines undergoing syzygy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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