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testacean — /te stay sheuhn/, adj. Zool. having a shell or test. [1835 45; < L testace(us) shell covered, TESTACEOUS + AN] * * * ▪ protozoan any member of the protozoan order Arcellinida (formerly Testacida) of the class Rhizopodea. Testaceans are… … Universalium
Rhizopoda — A superclass in the subphylum Sarcodina that includes the amebae of humans, having pseudopodia of various forms but without axial filaments. SYN: Rhizopodasida, Rhizopodea. [rhizo + G. pous (pod ), foot] * * * Rhi·zop·o·da rī zäp ə də n pl a… … Medical dictionary
Psamminida — Systematik Klassifikation: Lebewesen Domäne: Eukaryoten (Eucaryota) ohne Rang: Rhizaria ohne Rang: Foraminifera … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stannomidae — Stannomid vor den Galapagos Inseln[1] Systematik Domäne: Eukaryoten (Eucaryota) ohne Rang … Deutsch Wikipedia
rhizopod — n. any protozoa of the class Rhizopodea, forming rootlike pseudopodia … Useful english dictionary