
A young red blood cell containing a basophilic cytoplasmic network precipitated by brilliant cresyl blue representing residual polyribosomes; such cells become more numerous during the process of active blood regeneration. SEE ALSO: erythroblast. SYN: reticulated corpuscle, skein cell. [reticulo- + G. kytos, cell]

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re·tic·u·lo·cyte ri-'tik-yə-lō-.sīt n an immature red blood cell that appears esp. during regeneration of lost blood and that has a fine basophilic reticulum formed of the remains of ribosomes
re·tic·u·lo·cyt·ic ri-.tik-yə-lō-'sit-ik adj

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an immature red blood cell (erythrocyte). Reticulocytes may be detected and counted by staining living red cells with certain basic dyes that result in the formation of a blue precipitate (reticulum) within the reticulocytes. They normally comprise about 1% of the total red cells and are increased (reticulocytosis) whenever the rate of red cell production increases.

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re·tic·u·lo·cyte (rə-tikґu-lo-sīt″) [reticulo- + -cyte] an immature erythrocyte showing a basophilic reticulum under vital staining.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • réticulocyte — [ retikylɔsit ] n. m. • v. 1930; de réticulé et cyte ♦ Méd. Jeune globule rouge présentant encore des granulations et un réseau de mitochondries visibles. ● réticulocyte nom masculin Globule rouge jeune. réticulocyte [ʀetikylɔsit] n. m. ÉTYM. V.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Réticulocyte — Le réticulocyte est la cellule précédant le stade d érythrocyte dans l érythropoïèse. Il lui est quasiment semblable. Les réticulocytes sont des globules rouges jeunes qui possèdent encore des ribosomes et des mitochondries, mais dépourvues de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • reticulocyte — noun Etymology: New Latin reticulum + International Scientific Vocabulary cyte Date: 1922 an immature red blood cell that appears especially during regeneration of lost blood, lacks a nucleus, and has a fine basophilic reticulum formed of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • reticulocyte — Immature red blood cells found in the bone marrow, and in very small numbers in the circulation …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • reticulocyte — /ri tik yeuh leuh suyt /, n. Anat. a very young red blood cell, sampled as a measure of red blood cell formation; reticulated erythrocyte. [1920 25; RETICUL(UM) + O + CYTE] * * * …   Universalium

  • reticulocyte — noun An immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA …   Wiktionary

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