- resection
- 1. A procedure performed for the specific purpose of removal, as in removal of articular ends of one or both bones forming a joint. 2. To remove a part. 3. SYN: excision (1).- abdominoperineal r. (APR) a surgical cancer treatment involving r. of the lower sigmoid colon, rectum, anus, and surrounding skin, and formation of a sigmoid colostomy; performed as a synchronous or sequential transabdominal and perineal procedure.- gum r. SYN: gingivectomy.- root r. SYN: apicoectomy.- transurethral r. endoscopic removal of the prostate gland or bladder lesions, usually for relief of prostatic obstruction or treatment of bladder malignancies.- wedge r. removal of a wedge-shaped portion of the ovary; used in the treatment of virilizing disorders of ovarian origin, such as the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
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re·sec·tion ri-'sek-shən n the surgical removal of part of an organ or structure <pancreatic \resection> <\resection of the lower bowel> <\resection of a tumor> see abdominoperineal resection, Mikulicz resection, segmental resection, WEDGE RESECTION* * *
n.surgical removal of a portion of any part of the body. For example, a section of diseased intestine may be removed and the healthy ends sewn together. A submucous resection is removal of part of the cartilage septum (central division) of the nose that has become deviated, usually by injury. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR or TURP) - an operation performed when the prostate gland becomes enlarged - involves removal of portions of the gland through the urethra using an instrument called a resectoscope.* * *
re·sec·tion (re-sekґshən) [L. resectio] excision.
Medical dictionary. 2011.