rebase — Proceso de reajuste de una dentadura sustituyendo el material de su base sin variar las relaciones de oclusión de los dientes. Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
rebase — {{#}}{{LM SynR42622}}{{〓}} {{\}}SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS:{{/}} {{[}}rebase{{]}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} {{※}}esp. mer.{{¤}} {{♂}}(de un vehículo){{♀}} = adelantamiento … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
rebase — verb a) To replace the base of a denture. b) To modify core data from which other data is derived in such a way that the final meaning is unchanged … Wiktionary
rebase — verb establish a new base level for (a tax level, price index, etc.) … English new terms dictionary
rebase — … Useful english dictionary
R.EcoRII — Restriction endonuclease (REase) EcoRII (pronounced eco R two ) is an enzyme of restriction modification system (RM) naturally found in Escherichia coli , a Gram negative bacteria. Its molecular mass is 45.2 kDa, being comprised of 402 amino… … Wikipedia
Comparison of revision control software — The following is a comparison of revision control software. The following tables includes general and technical information for notable revision control and software configuration management (SCM) software. This is an incomplete list, which may… … Wikipedia
rebasar — Se conjuga como: amar Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: rebasar rebasando rebasado Indicativo presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. rebaso rebasas rebasa rebasamos rebasáis … Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary
Restriction enzyme — Glossary Restriction … Wikipedia
Neoschizomer — Neoschizomers are restriction enzymes that recognize the same nucleotide sequence as their prototype but cleave at a different site. In some special applications this is a very helpful feature. Recognition sequences and products of neoschizomers… … Wikipedia