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Quintan — Quin tan, a. [L. quintanus, fr. quintus fifth, quinque five. See {Five}.] Occurring as the fifth, after four others also, occurring every fifth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quintan fever. n. (Med.) An intermittent fever which returns every… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quintan — [kwin′tən] adj. [L quintanus < quintus, fifth: see QUINTET] occurring every fifth day (counting both days of occurrence) n. a quintan fever … English World dictionary
Quintan — (v. lat.), fünftägig … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Quintān — (lat.), fünftägig; Quintanfieber, regelmäßig in viertägigen Zwischenräumen wiederkehrendes Wechselfieber; vgl. Malaria, S. 161 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Quintan — Quintān (lat.), fünftägig; Quintanfieber, jeden fünften Tag wiederkehrendes Fieber … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Quintan — Quintan, 5tägig; Q. fieber, 5tägiges Wechselfieber … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
quintan — /kwin tn/, adj. 1. (of a fever, ague, etc.) characterized by paroxysms that recur every fifth day. n. 2. a quintan fever or ague. [1740 50; < L quintana (febris) quintan (fever); see QUINTAIN] * * * … Universalium
quintan — (kin tan) s. m. Terme de manége. Mannequin monté sur un pivot et armé d un fouet ou d un bâton ; quand, le frappant maladroitement, on le fait tourner, on reçoit sur le dos un coup. Courir le quintan. On dit aussi faquin. HISTORIQUE XVIe s … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
QUINTAN — s. m. T. de Manége. Mannequin qui est monté sur un pivot, et qui a la main armée d un fouet ou d un bâton, de manière que, lorsqu on le frappe maladroitement avec la lance et qu on le fait tourner, il en donne un coup sur le dos du cavalier.… … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
quintan — /ˈkwɪntən/ (say kwintuhn) Obsolete –adjective 1. (of a fever, ague, etc.) characterised by paroxysms which recur every fifth day, both days of consecutive occurrence being counted. –noun 2. a quintan fever or ague. {Latin quintāna (febris)… …
Quintan fever — Quintan means recurring every 5 days, the characteristic duration of trench fever. Quintan or trench fever is a disease borne by body lice that was first recognized in the trenches of World War I, when it is estimated to have affected more than a … Medical dictionary